Last Updated: March 22, 2024.

Refund Policy

Customer Cancellations:

When a customer cancels a booking, the following refund policy applies:

Refund Amount:

  • Customers will receive a refund of the original amount paid minus Motorfy’s fees of 8% and a refund charge of 2.7%.
  • This means the customer will be refunded the original amount paid minus 10.7% of the total payment.

Non-Refundable Amounts:

  • Some businesses may choose to designate a portion of the booking as non-refundable.
  • If the customer cancels, they will not receive the non-refundable portion specified by the business in addition to the 10.7% fee.

Business Cancellations:

When a business cancels a booking, the following refund policy applies:

Full Refund to Customer:

  • Customers will receive a full refund of the full amount paid.


Business Fees:

  • The business will be charged to cover the 8% fee Motorfy lost, as well as the 2.7% refund charge.
  • This totals 10.7% of the amount the customer originally paid.


Fee Deduction from Pay-outs:

  • The 10.7% fee will be deducted from the business’s bi-weekly pay-outs.
  • The business will receive the remaining amount after these fees are deducted.



  • Customer Cancellations: Refund = Original Amount – 10.7% + Non-Refundable Portion (if applicable)
  • Business Cancellations: Full refund to the customer, with 10.7% fee deducted from the business’s pay-outs.