Last Updated: March 22, 2024.

Terms & Conditions

Motorfy NZ Ltd Terms and Conditions

  1.  Company Details
Motorfy NZ Ltd  

Email: [email protected]

  1.  Purpose of Motorfy
Motorfy connects car owners with automotive service providers, streamlining the process of finding the right provider suited to them. For providers, Motorfy offers exposure, direct communications, an online dashboard, and payment records. Motorfy also provides a work assurance program to mediate and resolve disputes between consumers and providers, ensuring quality service and customer satisfaction.

  1.  User Registration
- Users must provide a username, password, email, suburb (location), phone number, and vehicle licence plates.

- Users must be 16 years or older to register.

- Providers must provide NZBN, name, email, password, business name, business address, business phone number, and bank account numbers.

  1.  Usage & Services
- Users can use the platform to request quotes from businesses, book services, pay, and communicate with providers.

- Providers receive quote requests through the online portal and must fill out the required fields on their online dashboard to give accurate quotes to customers. They have a limit of 72 hours to respond, after which the quote request expires.

- Motorfy provides a work assurance program to mediate disputes between consumers and providers. This includes eligibility criteria for assurance claims, claim submission process, evaluation process, mediation process, resolution outcomes, and escalation process.

  1.  Payments
- Accepted payment methods are standard cards and Apple Pay.

- Once a quote is accepted, the user pays, and the money is held by Motorfy until the service is completed. The provider is paid on a 2-week cycle.

- Motorfy charges a 10% service fee on top of the provider’s quoted price.

- Motorfy's work assurance program includes coverage for disputes where the quality of work is in question. Users must follow the assurance claim process.

  1.  Cancellation & Refunds
- Businesses can set their own cancellation fees as a percentage of the quoted price.

- Users can cancel within the period set by the provider and will be subject to the provider’s cancellation fee plus Motorfy's fees (2.7% + NZD 0.30 and an 8% service fee). All currency is in NZD.

- If a provider cancels, they will be liable to pay Motorfy's fees (2.7% + NZD 0.30 and an 8% service fee).

- Motorfy's work assurance program covers disputes where the quality of work is in question. Users must follow the assurance claim process.

  1.  Liability & Dispute
- Providers are liable for all work performed and for any disputes arising from their services.

- Motorfy acts as a middleman, facilitating payment and communication between parties.

- Customers must attempt to resolve disputes directly with providers before submitting a claim through Motorfy's work assurance program.

- Motorfy's work assurance program will mediate disputes and facilitate resolutions such as service redo, partial refund, full refund, or other resolutions agreed upon by both parties. The cost of any refunds or rework is borne by the provider, not Motorfy.

- Providers can contact Motorfy support for payout issues. Disputes with customer behaviour must be handled by the provider.

  1.  Data & Privacy
- Data collection and usage are outlined in the Privacy Policy.

  1.  Termination & Suspension
- Users wishing to terminate their account must settle/cancel any active bookings.

- Providers wishing to terminate their account must settle any outstanding fees with Motorfy and have no active bookings.

- Providers with multiple complaints or bad reviews may have their accounts suspended.

- Users exhibiting aggressive or rude behaviour in communications may have their accounts reviewed and potentially suspended.

  1.  Intellectual Property (IP)
- Providers own the images added to their profiles.

- All other content on the platform is Motorfy's intellectual property.

  1.  Jurisdiction
- These terms are governed by NZ law.

- Legal disputes will be handled in accordance with NZ legal procedures.

  1.  Miscellaneous
- Changes to the Terms & Conditions will be communicated via email.

- Contact details: [email protected]

 Motorfy Work Assurance Program:

  1.  Eligibility Criteria for Assurance Claims:
   - Service Documentation: Consumers must provide proof of service, including the original quote, payment receipt, and any relevant communication with the provider.

   - Timeframe for Claims: Claims must be submitted within 7 days of service completion.

   - Initial Resolution Attempt: Consumers must first attempt to resolve the issue directly with the provider.

  1.  Claim Submission Process:
   - Online Form: Consumers submit claims through an easy-to-use online form, including fields for service details, documentation uploads, and a description of the issue.

   - Supporting Evidence: Require consumers to provide photos, videos, or other evidence supporting their claim.

  1.  Evaluation Process:
   - Initial Review: Motorfy's customer support team conducts an initial review to verify the completeness of the claim and supporting documents.

   - Provider Response: Notify the provider of the claim and request their response within 5 business days.

  1.  Mediation Process:
   - Case Manager Assignment: Assign a dedicated case manager to mediate the dispute.

   - Facilitated Communication: Arrange a mediated discussion between the consumer and provider to resolve the issue.

   - Resolution Proposal: If the parties cannot reach an agreement, the case manager proposes a fair resolution based on the evidence provided.

  1.  Resolution Outcomes:
   - Service Redo: The provider agrees to redo the service at no additional cost to the consumer.

   - Partial Refund: The provider issues a partial refund to compensate for substandard work.

   - Full Refund: In cases of severe issues, the provider issues a full refund, and Motorfy covers the platform fees.

   - Other: Any other resolution mutually agreed upon by the consumer and provider.

  1.  Escalation Process:
   - External Mediation: For unresolved disputes, Motorfy offers assistance with external mediation services to help reach an agreement.

  1.  Program Policies:
   - Fair Use Policy: Implement a fair use policy to prevent abuse of the assurance program. Limit the number of claims a consumer can submit within a specific period.

   - Provider Accountability: Track providers' dispute history and take corrective actions, such as warnings or suspension, for repeated issues.